Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Princess and The Peabodys

The Princess and The Peabodys
By: Nooran Masmali 
October 24, 2015

This story is about the Princess and the Peabodys. The characters are the Princess, Casey, Alaric, Alisha, and Maddy. The settings are home and school. The problem is that the princess transported into a city called Pine Glen and needed to return back to her home kingdom called Trewellyn.
The first event is that a princess appeared in Casey’s house with a wizard called Alaric. They came out of a rusty old box. They showed up by mistake. They do not know how to get back home. The second event is that the princess signed in for the cheerleading squad because she had to do something at school. Next day Casey takes the princess to school. On the first day of school, Casey introduced Alisha (Which is Casey’s friend) to the princess. The third event is that Maddy is a bully to Casey and the princess. They first met at school at the hallways. Maddy taught the princess lousy cheerleading. The fourth event is that the princess was leading the cheerleading squad and everybody liked her. And finally, the last event is that the princess went back to Trewellyn and then she came back to Pine Glen. She went back to Trewellyn by Alaric sending her back with his magical powers. The princess came back to Pine Glen by Alaric sending her back with his magical powers and because there was a queen along with her daughter who took over Trewellyn.

            The solution is that the princess stayed at Pine Glen in Casey’s house because she liked Pine Glen better than Trewellyn. Everybody missed her and liked her especially Casey’s family. The theme is that the princess learned that a princess doesn’t have to be special in a school and that she is not the only one. And that is the story about “ The Princess and the Peabodys.”

Pennies Should Stay!!

Pennies Should Stay!!
By: Nooran Masmali J
April 12, 2017       

Do you think pennies should stay or go? Some people say that they should stay, while other people say that they should go. What do you think?
       Pennies have a lot of meaning. Pennies were the first coins ever made, back in 1793, in the United States. It was made by the United States Mint, which is the place that strikes or makes, all the coins used in this country. The first penny didn’t look like the penny you see today because it didn’t have president Lincoln’s picture on it. The U.S Mint started making the Lincoln penny in 1909.
       The penny is a symbol of the 16th president, Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln served as president from 1861 to 1865, when he was assassinated. He served during the Civil War and put an end to slavery by passing the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Although Lincoln is shown on the five-dollar bill as well, the penny for many is precious, a nostalgic symbol of all that Lincoln stood for as well as an important part of America’s history.
       The people who work to make pennies would lose their jobs. Charities and other organizations may lose donations that rely on loose change from contributors. And many people don’t want to see an increase in prices to make up for lost cents.
       I think pennies should stay because of all those reasons. They have a lot of meaning, a symbol of Abraham Lincoln, people that make pennies would lose their jobs, maybe lose all their money, and probably not get a job at all. Also, if charities and other organisms would lose all the pennies they got. L


By: Nooran Masmali J
December 8, 2017

I stare down at my breakfast plate, and I start eating. My mom is on her laptop, and I could see that she has tea on her lap. I look out the window and find a black cat searching in the garbage can, looking for food.
            I look over my shoulders and find mom still on her laptop. “Hey, mom?” I ask.
            “Yes, Ari?” She looks at me as if she does not recognize who I am.
            I hesitate, “um…do you know what dad’s doing? I really need to talk to him. It’s urgent.
            “Oh yeah, he’s at work. He left when you were sleeping.” I look back down at my plate; in addition, I poke my pancake with my fork. I could see a piece of her at the corners of my eyes, and notice that she is staring at me. “What for?” She questioned.
            “Oh, just some homework questions I need help with.” I lie. I really do not think I should have lied to my mom, but I really need to talk to him. Something between us two. Father and Daughter.
            “Ok, that’s fine. Why don’t you go get ready for school? Wouldn’t want to be late, would you?” she winks at me and goes back to her laptop, taking a sip of tea.
            I look at the clock. It is 6:50. My bus ride is supposed to come at 7:00, but it usually comes a little earlier. I look at myself from the mirror. I am wearing skinny black jeans. I then look at my shirt. It is a black tank top. Over it is my cute gray jacket.
            After I look at myself, I go ahead and head outside. When I open the door, wind splashes all over me, making my hair go back. My hair is brown, long, and curly, with sprinkles of magenta on the very bottom. I shut the door behind me, and start walking. Once I reach the bus stop, I sit on one of the benches that remain. Some people in my High School are there, talking and laughing, enjoying their time.
            “Hello,” says a voice. I look over to the right of my shoulder and find a girl about my height sitting right next to me. Her hair is blonde, with a streak of purple across it. She is wearing shorts and tennis shoes. She takes out her hand and points it right at me. I stare at it for a couple of seconds. “My name is Brittney.” I shake her hands.
            “Hi, I’m Ariana. My friends back at New York call me Ari.” I reply.
            “Well, aren’t we friends?” she says. We both laugh at that.
            “Sure, I guess you could say that.” I smile at her, and she smiles back.
            “Oh yeah. Ari, meet Emily. Emily meets Ari.” A person came from behind her and slowly stood. She walked right toward me.
            “Hey,” She said in a quiet voice. “My name is Emily.”
            “Hello, I’m Ariana. My friends call me”
            “Ari? Is that what your friends call you back at New York?” Emily interrupted.
            I do a short laugh, “How do you know?”
            “Just overheard you and Brittney talk.” She looked back at Brittney and we all laugh. I look past Emily and Brittney and notice a bus heading our direction.
            “Is that our bus?” I asked, squinting at the sight of it.
            “Yeah, I’m pretty sure. No other buses normally come this way.” Brittney answered.
            “So Ari, how do you like it here in California? Is it a lot different than New York?” Asked Emily, being curious.
            “It’s actually pretty nice. I like the people here so far,” I say. “Why do you ask?”
            “Just wondering. Never been to New York before.” She said as she climbed up the bus.
            “Really? You haven’t been to New York before?” Brittney asked, “Wow, I can’t imagine how your life is right now! You should defiantly go visit anytime soon!
            I glare at Brittney, and she puts on a confused face, “Brittney!” I whisper back at her.
            “What? I’m just telling her my opinion!” Brittney exclaimed.
            Emily sighed, “No no, don’t worry. I’m going there tomorrow…”
            “Oh…my…god…are you serious! Aww come here I’m going to miss you!” Brittney held out both of her arms and fell as she was about to hug Emily. “Ow!”
            “Oh no!” Emily shouted.
            “Are you ok?” I said as Emily and I picked her up from the dirty bus floor. The other kids on the bus all started to giggle as they watched Brittney fall. “Hey, you be quiet now!” Brittney began to brush off the dirt from her shirt and started to brush down until she reached her pants.
            “Yeah I’m ok, let’s go take a seat.” All the kids were staring at Brittney as she passed by. We took a seat at the very back of the bus, and the bus starts moving.
            “I’m really sorry about what just happened. It was my entire fault.” Emily said, “And that thing I said about me going to New York tomorrow, I was just joking. All I wanted was to see the look on your face.” Emily looked down at her shoes, confused, “I didn’t mean for all of this to happen.”
            “No its fine…really its fine.” We sat in our seats for twenty minutes, which was the entire ride to school. There are many people on our bus. When I say many, I mean many! All of the seats were full of people. The seats each had two or three people in them.
            Emily was sitting next to the window, looking out of it. Brittney was staring at her shoes the entire ride, and I was just laying back in my seat and closing my eyes, trying to imagine what it would be like if I had not met these girls. The whole ride we were silent. We did not say a single word to each other. Finally, we reached the school.
            As I looked over at the school, the bricks of the old building were rising over the horizon, gliding over the shimmering rainbow through the glamorous blue sky.
             “Can you guys maybe walk with me? I could get some help getting around the school. I will not take too much of your time anyway. I just need to find the main office in this school.” I asked with a grin on my face. They looked over at one another, giggled, and went ahead and lead me to the office. “Thanks, I really appreciate it. Maybe we could hang out sometime?”
            “Yeah, sure. That would be great.” Emily said with a big smile. As Emily and Brittney left to their first class, I went ahead and took my first step toward the office door. I stop. Thinking of how the principle, or whoever was in there, looked like. When I reach for the door handle, I hesitate. I open the door and walk in.
            In there was a nice old looking woman that seemed to be working on her computer. Her blonde, wavy hair was hanging over her shoulders. She looked up at me